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AFF to host fifth farm tour for media, influencers

alliance for food and farming media tour
AFF farm tour 2021.

The Alliance for Food and Farming’s (AFF) Safe Fruits and Veggies Farm Tour will take place from September 12-15.

The 2022 tour will be held in the San Joaquin Valley of California where AFF guests will see citrus, peach, plum, nectarine and table grape farms and packing facilities.

The AFF has held these tours since 2017 to provide nutrition communicators and social influencers a firsthand look at the care and commitment by farmers to grow safe and nutritious foods.

The 2022 tour guests are contributors to NBC News, ABC News, Self, Food Network, U.S. News and World Report, Cooking Light, Today’s Dietitian, Parents,, Fitness, Health Magazine, Univision, Fox News Latino and Prevention, among others.

The AFF’s list of tour guests include: Julie Andrews, Deanna Belleny Lewis, Mandy Enright, Lauren Harris-Pincus, Sally Kuzemchak, Frances Largeman-Roth, Vandana Sheth and Manuel Villacorta.

The AFF extends sincere thanks to the sponsors who are making this tour possible including California Citrus Mutual, California Fresh Fruit Association, California Table Grape Commission, International Fresh Produce Association, Pear Bureau Northwest and Western Growers Association.

We often say we wish every consumer could see the diligent work of fruit and vegetable farmers and their commitment to food safety. These tours provide the opportunity to share that work with influencers who reach thousands of consumers through their websites, blogs, books, podcasts and social media channels. Each guest will communicate their on-farm experiences with their audiences during and after the tour.

So stay tuned for informational social posts and blogs from our guests, sponsors and the AFF in September. #safefruitsandveggies, @safeproduce.


The Alliance for Food and Farming’s (AFF) Safe Fruits and Veggies Farm Tour will take place from September 12-15.

The 2022 tour will be held in the San Joaquin Valley of California where AFF guests will see citrus, peach, plum, nectarine and table grape farms and packing facilities.

The AFF has held these tours since 2017 to provide nutrition communicators and social influencers a firsthand look at the care and commitment by farmers to grow safe and nutritious foods.

The 2022 tour guests are contributors to NBC News, ABC News, Self, Food Network, U.S. News and World Report, Cooking Light, Today’s Dietitian, Parents,, Fitness, Health Magazine, Univision, Fox News Latino and Prevention, among others.

The AFF’s list of tour guests include: Julie Andrews, Deanna Belleny Lewis, Mandy Enright, Lauren Harris-Pincus, Sally Kuzemchak, Frances Largeman-Roth, Vandana Sheth and Manuel Villacorta.

The AFF extends sincere thanks to the sponsors who are making this tour possible including California Citrus Mutual, California Fresh Fruit Association, California Table Grape Commission, International Fresh Produce Association, Pear Bureau Northwest and Western Growers Association.

We often say we wish every consumer could see the diligent work of fruit and vegetable farmers and their commitment to food safety. These tours provide the opportunity to share that work with influencers who reach thousands of consumers through their websites, blogs, books, podcasts and social media channels. Each guest will communicate their on-farm experiences with their audiences during and after the tour.

So stay tuned for informational social posts and blogs from our guests, sponsors and the AFF in September. #safefruitsandveggies, @safeproduce.
