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Greenyard/ SealdSweet to market Jalisco avocados

TARASCAS greenyard seald sweet jalisco avocados
“Our second-generation family farm produces some of the best quality avocados in the country, and we have found the company that matches our family spirit, which is at the core of our company culture, to bring our fresh products to the US market,” says Genaro Chacon, General Manager of Las Tarascas.

Greenyard USA/SealdSweet is excited to reveal the latest in their ever-growing line-up of fresh fruits and
vegetables. Avocados from the great state of Jalisco, Mexico.

“In a matter of weeks, we will be starting our exclusive marketing agreement which will expand our avocado
line, and we are extremely pleased to be working with one of the outstanding family-owned farms in Jalisco,
Las Tarcascas,” touts Carlos Sotomayor, Commodity Manager for Avocados. “We will be servicing our key retail
partners with the products imported through McAllen, Texas,” Carlos continued, “where we will also have the
option of private labeling, custom packs and ripening.”

The Chacon family has been growing fresh fruits and vegetables for over 20 years, and Don Miguel and his son,
Genaro have deeply rooted ties to the area harvesting over 800 hectares.

“Our second-generation family farm produces some of the best quality avocados in the country, and we have found the company that matches our family spirit, which is at the core of our company culture, to bring our fresh products to the US market,” says Genaro Chacon, General Manager of Las Tarascas. “We have a new venture with a local, GFSI compliant packing facility, which will be a cornerstone of our program.”

Be on the lookout for another announcement on our new packaging options, as we move forward with our
Greenyard initiative to be 100% recyclable by 2025.

“We all need to have a focus on our planet, and all new partnerships will be engaging in packaging that meets our goals for sustainability,” says Helena Fernandez Irastorza, Marketing Coordinator for GreenyardUSA/SealdSweet.

“Jalisco is an exciting emerging market for us, and we have found the right partnership to tap into this rich
agriculture area,” says Mayda Sotomayor, President, and CEO of GreenyardUSA/SealdSweet. “This state has
already been involved with worldwide trade of avocados for many years, and we look forward to being the first
to bring these products to the American consumer.”

About Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet
Seald Sweet was founded in 1909 as a Florida citrus grower cooperative. In 1998, Seald Sweet merged with Greenyard,
transforming the company into Greenyard USA, a global marketer through their international network of companies.
Today Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet is a leading supplier of the citrus category, grapes, apples, pears, avocados, vegetables and more through their global network of companies and partners.

Greenyard’s vision is to make lives healthier by helping people enjoy fruit and vegetables at any moment, easily, quickly
and pleasurably, whilst fostering nature. With around 9,000 employees operating in 23 countries worldwide,  Greenyard identifies its people and customer and supplier relationships, as the key assets which enable it to deliver goods and services worth around € 4 billion per annum.


Greenyard USA/SealdSweet is excited to reveal the latest in their ever-growing line-up of fresh fruits and
vegetables. Avocados from the great state of Jalisco, Mexico.

“In a matter of weeks, we will be starting our exclusive marketing agreement which will expand our avocado
line, and we are extremely pleased to be working with one of the outstanding family-owned farms in Jalisco,
Las Tarcascas,” touts Carlos Sotomayor, Commodity Manager for Avocados. “We will be servicing our key retail
partners with the products imported through McAllen, Texas,” Carlos continued, “where we will also have the
option of private labeling, custom packs and ripening.”

The Chacon family has been growing fresh fruits and vegetables for over 20 years, and Don Miguel and his son,
Genaro have deeply rooted ties to the area harvesting over 800 hectares.

“Our second-generation family farm produces some of the best quality avocados in the country, and we have found the company that matches our family spirit, which is at the core of our company culture, to bring our fresh products to the US market,” says Genaro Chacon, General Manager of Las Tarascas. “We have a new venture with a local, GFSI compliant packing facility, which will be a cornerstone of our program.”

Be on the lookout for another announcement on our new packaging options, as we move forward with our
Greenyard initiative to be 100% recyclable by 2025.

“We all need to have a focus on our planet, and all new partnerships will be engaging in packaging that meets our goals for sustainability,” says Helena Fernandez Irastorza, Marketing Coordinator for GreenyardUSA/SealdSweet.

“Jalisco is an exciting emerging market for us, and we have found the right partnership to tap into this rich
agriculture area,” says Mayda Sotomayor, President, and CEO of GreenyardUSA/SealdSweet. “This state has
already been involved with worldwide trade of avocados for many years, and we look forward to being the first
to bring these products to the American consumer.”

About Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet
Seald Sweet was founded in 1909 as a Florida citrus grower cooperative. In 1998, Seald Sweet merged with Greenyard,
transforming the company into Greenyard USA, a global marketer through their international network of companies.
Today Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet is a leading supplier of the citrus category, grapes, apples, pears, avocados, vegetables and more through their global network of companies and partners.

Greenyard’s vision is to make lives healthier by helping people enjoy fruit and vegetables at any moment, easily, quickly
and pleasurably, whilst fostering nature. With around 9,000 employees operating in 23 countries worldwide,  Greenyard identifies its people and customer and supplier relationships, as the key assets which enable it to deliver goods and services worth around € 4 billion per annum.
