Pete Pappas & Sons BB #:100956 wins a 2022 Sustainability Leadership Award from the Maryland Department of the Environment and Maryland Green Registry.
This award recognizes their impressive sustainability achievements in areas such as landfill diversion, food-waste minimization, composting, recycling, energy and water conservation, and reducing the overall environmental impacts of doing business.
“We are thrilled to be a 2022 Sustainability Leadership Award winner. Our commitment to sustainability yields measurable successes for our green business, including the diversion of millions of pounds of waste away from landfills each year. Pete Pappas & Sons proudly sets an example in sustainable business practices for companies throughout Maryland and the fresh produce industry.” Says Helen Pappas, Director of Marketing and Sustainability.
The Maryland Green Registry recognizes organizations that have shown a strong commitment to the implementation of sustainable practices, the demonstration of measurable results and the continual improvement of environmental performance with the leadership awards.
Stavros Tzamaras, Sales and Marketing coordinator, says “Sustainability has become an important part of our daily work-lives. It echoes everywhere from the produce that we sell each day, to our on-site employee practices. Every day we use compostable kitchen items, reusable water bottles and lunch coolers, and even compost our meal leftovers. The company encourages us to go green with them.”
You can read their yearly Sustainability Review at which includes such forward-thinking endeavors as their zero food-waste goal, Sustainable Packaging Initiative, and a growing emphasis on organic packaged product and agriculture.
More information on 2022 Sustainability Leadership Awards can be found here:
About Pete Pappas & Sons Inc.
Pete Pappas & Sons Inc is a 4th generation family run premium produce supplier celebrating 80 years in business in 2022. Operating under a successful green business model, they grow, pack, ship and distribute conventional and organic fruits and vegetables under the flagship Patricia Brand and Pete’s Garden Organic labels. Smoky Mountain Family Farms, their farming operations in Tennessee known for premium product quality, are also proud members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and Fair Foods program for equitable treatment of farm workers.