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Care in Crisis: Trading and Transportation Guidelines

In Blue Book Services’ “Care in Crisis” video No. 10, Marketing Director Jeff Lair and Director of Media Development Greg Johnson discuss the Blue Book Trading and Transportation Guidelines, which are available for free on the company website or in print.

The Trading and Transportation Guidelines represent the best practices, customs, and trading rules applicable to the trade in the North American fresh produce industry and beyond.

Many of these customs and rules have been written by Blue Book’s Trading Assistance Team. They reference this resource when they assess vendor-to-vendor claims placed with Blue Book Services.

The Trading Guidelines consist of numerous references including the USDA’s Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act and Canada’s Dispute Resolution Guidelines.

The Transportation Guidelines represent best practices, customs, and transportation rules applicable to the transportation of produce in North America and beyond.

These guidelines are another way Blue Book Services demonstrates how much we care by providing services to help companies navigate the produce supply chain and handle exempt transportation well during these challenging days of economic uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic.


In Blue Book Services’ “Care in Crisis” video No. 10, Marketing Director Jeff Lair and Director of Media Development Greg Johnson discuss the Blue Book Trading and Transportation Guidelines, which are available for free on the company website or in print.

The Trading and Transportation Guidelines represent the best practices, customs, and trading rules applicable to the trade in the North American fresh produce industry and beyond.

Many of these customs and rules have been written by Blue Book’s Trading Assistance Team. They reference this resource when they assess vendor-to-vendor claims placed with Blue Book Services.

The Trading Guidelines consist of numerous references including the USDA’s Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act and Canada’s Dispute Resolution Guidelines.

The Transportation Guidelines represent best practices, customs, and transportation rules applicable to the transportation of produce in North America and beyond.

These guidelines are another way Blue Book Services demonstrates how much we care by providing services to help companies navigate the produce supply chain and handle exempt transportation well during these challenging days of economic uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic.
