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LGMA to host webinar for buyers

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From the California Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement BB #:210653

Dear LGMA Trade Partner:

Join us to learn about how the LGMA plans to continue its important food safety role even during this time of COVID-19 precautions. And learn about how a powerful community is coming together to improve the safety of leafy greens under the LGMA process of sound science, best practices, and stringent government audits.

Now more than ever, it’s important that we work with each other. The LGMA invites retail and foodservice buyers to join with us to ensure that leafy greens are produced and delivered safely.

Please sign up to learn more and see how you can be involved.

Collaborating for Safer Leafy Greens Webinar, April 17, 2020 10 AM PDT. Register here.


From the California Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement BB #:210653

Dear LGMA Trade Partner:

Join us to learn about how the LGMA plans to continue its important food safety role even during this time of COVID-19 precautions. And learn about how a powerful community is coming together to improve the safety of leafy greens under the LGMA process of sound science, best practices, and stringent government audits.

Now more than ever, it’s important that we work with each other. The LGMA invites retail and foodservice buyers to join with us to ensure that leafy greens are produced and delivered safely.

Please sign up to learn more and see how you can be involved.

Collaborating for Safer Leafy Greens Webinar, April 17, 2020 10 AM PDT. Register here.
