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Veggie Noodle Ramen: all the food trends in one bowl

Show of hands – who’s guilty of picking up some cheap ramen at the store for a guilty pleasure trashy meal from time to time?

We love classy ramen at a restaurant, but making it at home usually means a packet of stuff that’s terrible for you and doesn’t really taste that great, either. Enter CeCe’s Veggie Co. BB #:333864 ramen made with vegetable noodles. I’ve never been a fan of cooked “zoodles” so I didn’t have high hopes. Uli, on the other hand, is my picky eater. Will he actually try it?


Show of hands – who’s guilty of picking up some cheap ramen at the store for a guilty pleasure trashy meal from time to time?

We love classy ramen at a restaurant, but making it at home usually means a packet of stuff that’s terrible for you and doesn’t really taste that great, either. Enter CeCe’s Veggie Co. BB #:333864 ramen made with vegetable noodles. I’ve never been a fan of cooked “zoodles” so I didn’t have high hopes. Uli, on the other hand, is my picky eater. Will he actually try it?


Pamela Riemenschneider is the Retail Editor for Blue Book Services.