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Ohio Fresh Forum

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What’s your favorite Ohio-grown fruit or vegetable?

Kerry Byrne, Total Quality Logistics, LLC BB #:203922 – Cincinnati
Sweet corn in the summer, apples in fall, and hops all year round.

Jamie Sanfillipo, Sanfillipo Produce Company, Inc. BB #:188528– Columbus
Ohio Concord grapes. We didn’t see any in 2018 but when we do get them, they’ve gotta be the best-tasting thing that comes out of the state.

Alice Chalmers, Local Food Connection – Cincinnati
Melrose Apple, the state apple.

Kirk Holthouse, Holthouse Farms BB #:102784– Willard
That’s easy: green peppers—my favorite item to grow, to sell, and an item I’m on top of pretty much all year long.

Jeff Walker, TC Marketing, Inc. – BB #:126889 Napoleon
“Radishes are my favorite. I do also like to sell cucumbers, greenhouse English cucumbers.

Mark Jewell, Cabbage Inc. BB #:129087– Cincinnati
I’d say cabbage—that’s a good choice.

Lou Silvestro, Economy Produce & Vegetable Company, Inc. BB #:102471
– Cleveland
Ohio has a strong homegrown veg deal, and apples are pretty popular in this area.

This is an excerpt from the most recent Produce Blueprints quarterly journal. Click here to read the full version.


What’s your favorite Ohio-grown fruit or vegetable?

Kerry Byrne, Total Quality Logistics, LLC BB #:203922 – Cincinnati
Sweet corn in the summer, apples in fall, and hops all year round.

Jamie Sanfillipo, Sanfillipo Produce Company, Inc. BB #:188528– Columbus
Ohio Concord grapes. We didn’t see any in 2018 but when we do get them, they’ve gotta be the best-tasting thing that comes out of the state.

Alice Chalmers, Local Food Connection – Cincinnati
Melrose Apple, the state apple.

Kirk Holthouse, Holthouse Farms BB #:102784– Willard
That’s easy: green peppers—my favorite item to grow, to sell, and an item I’m on top of pretty much all year long.

Jeff Walker, TC Marketing, Inc. – BB #:126889 Napoleon
“Radishes are my favorite. I do also like to sell cucumbers, greenhouse English cucumbers.

Mark Jewell, Cabbage Inc. BB #:129087– Cincinnati
I’d say cabbage—that’s a good choice.

Lou Silvestro, Economy Produce & Vegetable Company, Inc. BB #:102471
– Cleveland
Ohio has a strong homegrown veg deal, and apples are pretty popular in this area.

This is an excerpt from the most recent Produce Blueprints quarterly journal. Click here to read the full version.
