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A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Retirements and turnover

- Produce Blueprints
The aging industry is another issue for companies to deal with. One source points out that farmers, on average, are about 60 years old in the United States, versus in their 40s in Brazil.

A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Human Capital

- Produce Blueprints
When it comes to labor, Daniel Scheitrum, assistant professor of agribusiness at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo, CA, believes automation will be key to tamping down prices and augmenting the workforce across the supply chain.

A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Lingering effects of the pandemic

- Produce Blueprints
The slow recovery of discretionary spending, years after the pandemic, remains a challenge for the foodservice sector.

A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Inflation and the Economy

- Produce Blueprints
Many economic indicators improved in 2024. Inflation moderated, but high consumer prices, especially for food, and supplier costs, especially in labor, are ongoing issues for growers, retailers, and foodservice. 

A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Sustainability

- Produce Blueprints
“In 2024, the produce industry had some big wins in terms of sustainability and continuing to implement environmentally conscious practices,” notes Jim Roberts, president of sales for Naturipe Farms

A Produce Blueprints Glimpse at 2025: Climate and Weather

- Produce Blueprints
When it comes to the weather, most everyone along the perishables pipeline has been affected in some way.

The Year Ahead: Touting value and convenience

- Produce Blueprints
Convenience is always an enticement for consumers, and for those who are not particularly adept at cooking, value-added dishes and meal kits are a boon.

The Year Ahead: Teaching consumers the basics

- Produce Blueprints
Consumers may know fruits and vegetables are healthy, but many don’t know what to do with them.

The Year Ahead: Strengthening storytime

- Produce Blueprints
Growers and marketers have embraced the art of storytelling to get their messages out, but much more can be done on this front.

The Year Ahead: Driving consumption

- Produce Blueprints
Getting consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables is always a focus for the industry. The food-as-medicine movement, increased storytelling, and product innovation are all working toward this goal.