Tag: video
VIDEO: California strawberries face “massive cleanup” after historic flooding
- Featured
"Times are tough, but the town of Pajaro, the surrounding communities and the strawberry farming families are more resilient than ever and we will work together to recover,” said Rick Tomlinson, California Strawberry Commission President.
SEPC Store Check, Part 2: Walmart, Bravo Supermarkets
- General News
I'm finishing up Orlando store checks with one of the best-executed Walmart produce departments I've ever seen, and a Bravo Supermarkets filled with inspiration to cook.
The Produce Reporter: SEPC Special Edition
- General News
What's coming out of the Southeast Produce Council's Southern Exposure in Orlando?
Week in Review March 3, 2023
- Analysis
Pamela calls in from an Orlando, FL, Publix, ahead of the Southeast Produce Council’s annual Southern Exposure event.
The Produce Reporter Week in Review – February 24, 2023
- General NewsPamela and Greg break down the latest in the Kroger/Albertsons merger: why some ag groups are …
The Produce Reporter Week in Review – February 17, 2023
- General NewsPamela and Greg dig in to inflation, and how consumer perception of it being much higher …
The Produce Reporter Week in Review – February 10, 2023
- General NewsPamela’s supporting Team Avocado while Greg has his Chiefs jersey ahead of the big game this …
The Produce Reporter Week in Review – February 3, 2023
- General NewsPamela and Greg break down dunnhumby’s Retailer Preference Index, and the Dole/Fresh Express deal. What does …
REVIEW: Green Goddess dressing made with Green Devotion juice
- General News
While I am a big fan of green juice -- the greener-tasting, the better -- the rest of the people in my house are not. So my ears perked up when they suggested using it in a Green Goddess dressing recipe.
The Produce Reporter Week in Review – January 27, 2023
- General NewsPamela and Greg discuss the downturn in indoor farming, from a $188MM bankruptcy in Canada to …