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Negotiating a rejection

- Trading Assistance
What if the seller, after receiving notice, wants to take the product back and the buyer wants to accommodate the seller’s request?

Revisiting the basics: A Rejection

- Trading Assistance
A buyer rejecting a shipment of produce to a seller should ensure the rejection is both procedurally effective and substantively rightful.

Revisiting the basics: Accept or reject

- Trading Assistance
When a produce buyer is tendered a shipment of produce that allegedly fails to comply with the sales agreement, the buyer must decide whether to accept or reject the shipment to the seller.

Transit Temps – Reconciling Recorders

- Trading Assistance
What happens when temperature recorders in the same truck show different readings? Don't assume one is wrong.

Trading Tip: Interpreting USDA Inspection Certificates

- Trading Assistance
The words, “Fails to grade U.S. #1 account condition,” on a USDA inspection certificate sound awfully conclusive.

Rejections and freight: Who pays?

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Who pays the freight bill following a rejection to an f.o.b. seller?

Truck brokers and salvage returns

- Trading Assistance
Produce truck brokers have a challenging job, but “managing salvage returns” seems to be the one that really causes headaches.

Iceberg lettuce – not so ordinary

- Trading Assistance
Iceberg or head lettuce is not typically thought of as exceptional, and yet, when it comes to industry trading customs and rules, iceberg lettuce is different.

Merchantability – The Other Warranty

- Trading Assistance
The warranty of merchantability usually finds itself in the shadow of the warranty of suitable shipping condition, but the food safety outbreaks in 2018 brought a fair amount of attention to this lesser-known warranty. 

Trading Tip: Good Arrival – The Sixth Day

- Trading Assistance
The warranty of suitable shipping condition is at the center of countless disputes and decisions each day. Although there is some devil in the details, the main idea is straightforward enough.