Tag: trading assistance
Trading Assistance — True or False: Fact Checking Good Arrival
- Trading Assistance
When disputes arise, it's good to have your facts straight. Veteran buyers and sellers of fresh produce tend to know a lot about the warranty of suitable shipping condition from disputes won or lost over the years. But regardless of your tenure in the industry, an occasional fact-check can be helpful.
Blue Book Trading Alert: Suspicious B2B trade inquiry
- Featured
Blue Book has received a report from a targeted seller of an individual impersonating a Blue Book-listed buyer company located in the Northeast region of the United States.
Trading Assistance: Who pays the freight?
- Produce Blueprints
The Problem: Who pays the freight bill following a rejection to an FOB seller? The Solution: The FOB buyer pays the carrier and claims damages against the seller.
New & Improved Trading Assistance: Blue Book members get more for less
- Produce Blueprints
In this article we’ll discuss a relatively new (as of late 2023) free service called Courtesy Contacts and new pricing introduced in 2024 for Blue Book’s traditional collection assistance services.
Trading Assistance: Reefer Carriers and PACA, what freight folks need to know
- Produce Blueprints
In this article, we’re going to try to demystify PACA and explain when it is—and when it is not—relevant to the transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Dock to Dock: Wrongful rejection? Here’s what you can do
- Trading Assistance
If you're a carrier and you think you've been rejected wrongly, we advice the following steps.
Carrier Claims: Assessing damages to fresh cargo
- Trading Assistance
In this article, we look past the “finger pointing” stage and discuss how Blue Book assesses damages when the carrier is found to be responsible for the losses in question.
Dock to Dock: Agree to disagree on salvaging distressed product
- Dock to Dock
What do you do with a rejected load when the carrier's evidence is lacking?
Trading Assistance: Late arrival and a solo driver instead of a team
- Produce Blueprints
The Problem: Solo driver used after team agreed to. The Key Point: Proving damages resulting from late arrival can be difficult or impossible. The Solution: A liquidated damages provision can be used to help compensate for losses.
Reefer Downloads: Why they don’t tell the whole story
- Produce Blueprints
Somewhere right now a produce buyer and seller are discussing the streams of temperature and mechanical data from a reefer download.