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U.S.-China trade deal delivers some produce wins

- General News
The United States and China signed a trade agreement today that should improve access for U.S. fruit and vegetable exporters. Overall, China agreed to buy $200 billion worth of U.S. exports in the first two years of this first phase of the deal.

Citrus industry still faces trade winds

- Produce Blueprints

In trade, like many American industries, citrus growers and shippers have had to deal with the …


2020 Insights: International trade

- Produce Blueprints

Protectionism and trade conflicts are impacting the produce industry in several ways; with the landscape constantly …


FPAA: Threats about tomato virus twisted to influence politics

- General News
Authorities in the U.S., Mexico and Canada moved months ago to implement programs to limit the spread of a new tomato virus, ToBRFV, which is not a food safety threat to humans or animals.

Showing the weight of lobbying

- Analysis
While it’s important that Senators and U.S. representatives hear from their constituents in the produce industry, Congress usually reverts to its paralyzed, partisan ways, with little legislation to show for the industry’s efforts. But this year, that may change.

U.S.-Japan trade agreement cuts tariffs on many fresh produce items

- General News

PRESS RELEASE The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement will provide America’s farmers and ranchers enhanced market access in …


FPAA: New tomato suspension agreement a “step backward”

- General News
It is estimated that constructing new warehouse space for inspections will cost importers more than $200 million upfront, plus another $50 million a year in fees and other costs.

FLORIDA: New tomato suspension agreement a “step in the right direction”

- General News
The Florida Tomato Exchange welcomes the signing today by the U.S. Department of Commerce and Mexican tomato exporters of a new agreement suspending the antidumping investigation of fresh tomatoes from Mexico.

Perdue says Trump is a farmer’s best friend

- General News
WASHINGTON, DC – Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue reminded the fresh produce industry, he and his boss represent farmers.

USApple’s Bair urges USMCA passage

- General News
While not all growers export, trade is critical to the future of the entire industry.  If those apples don’t find homes overseas they flood the domestic market, leading to supply issues that impact everyone’s bottom line.