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ProduceIQ: Late winter prices soften as anticipated

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Cold, ice, and snow will spread steadily from the West Coast to the East Coast throughout the week. Growing regions in the Southeast will be protected from the cold snap, but some growing areas in the Southwest may experience ice and unseasonably cold temperatures.

NatureSweet partners with Fanatics to encourage football fans to include tomatoes

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NatureSweet, the industry leader in greenhouse-grown vegetables, is kicking off its “Snack Like a Champ” program to encourage consumers to incorporate NatureSweet snacking tomatoes into their Super Bowl spreads.

ProduceIQ: Another winter storm stresses markets

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Cool weather tightens domestic supply and ups overall produce prices. For the second week in a row, a winter storm is bringing much-needed hydration to parched California, albeit while causing some temporary havoc for growers and shippers across Central and North America.

ProduceIQ: Market prices decline on increasing Mexican supply

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Even though prices are declining, lettuce markets are still in record-breaking territory. USDA reported iceberg to be sold for an average of $74 in week #50.

NatureSweet partners with Instant Pot

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NatureSweet, the number one selling brand in snacking tomatoes, and Instant Brands, the makers of the best-selling Instant Pot, are combining forces to transform everyday meals and spread more holiday cheer this season.

ProduceIQ: Markets reach new highs for the Thanksgiving pull

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and holiday demand is fueling record-high prices across produce commodities. This week, average prices are at a ten-year high for week #45.

NatureSweet’s ‘Cherubs To Go’ debuts in 7-Eleven stores in Mexico

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The producer of the number one small tomato snack in the United States, NatureSweet, is introducing its popular To Go product in Mexico.

Nature Fresh Farms launches Yoom purple tomatoes

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With an intensity and range of flavor from savory to fresh and a hint of plum-like sweetness the Yoom is the flavor experience that can enhance any meal or be enjoyed on its own.

Magic Sun Farms brings wrestler Blue Demon to Global Show

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One of the most iconic and recognized Mexican wrestlers, Blue Demon will be present as a Magic Sun Farms' brand ambassador during the Global Produce & Floral Show organized by the International Fresh Produce Association and the Produce Marketing Association.

ProduceIQ: Cold fronts and Hurricane Roslyn impact supply

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Hurricane Ian’s official damage reports are rolling in, making real what Eastern tomato markets have known for some time. The citrus and tomato supply will suffer the most due to Ian’s damaging winds and rains.