Tag: strawberries
Nature Fresh Farms introduces the first organic greenhouse strawberry
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Nature Fresh Farms becomes the only greenhouse producer to grow and market organic, greenhouse grown Strawberries in North America; filling the demand for premium, organically grown Strawberries that offer increased flavor and freshness with their introduction of Nature Fresh Farms Organic Greenhouse Berries.
ProduceIQ: Summertime sadness strikes produce markets
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Produce markets repeat history with a week defined by declining prices. This week marks the beginning of the summer doldrums—a six-week period in which produce prices wilt along with the rest of us in the summer heat.
FDA announces additional recalls in frozen strawberry Hepatitis investigation
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Based on traceback data gathered during the ongoing investigation of hepatitis A infections linked to frozen organic strawberries imported from Baja California, Mexico; FDA has identified additional firms that may have received potentially contaminated product. FDA has been working with these firms to ensure that any potentially contaminated product is removed from the market.
ProduceIQ: Canadian wildfires haunt the U.S. East Coast
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Images of a blurred, scarlet New York City skyline dominated headlines last week. Due to strong Southbound winds, smoke from Canadian wildfires in Quebec billowed down the Eastern seaboard of the United States.
Wendy’s brings back Summer Strawberry Salad
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By popular demand, the fan-favorite salad has returned to menus to deliver the berry fresh tastes of summer.
Oishii to use robots for vertical farm strawberries
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Today, vertical farming leader Oishii announced a strategic partnership with Yaskawa Electric Corporation, a leading industrial robotics company based in Japan.
California Giant reports peak strawberry volumes
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A bountiful summer of California strawberries is ahead for California Giant Berry Farms, as the company forecasts giant volumes of the company’s cornerstone product.
ProduceIQ: Prices dropping despite weather problems
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The U.S. has a nearly 90 percent chance of seeing El Nino weather trends persist this summer. So what does that mean for fresh produce? In general, this means the South can expect cooler and wetter than average weather (welcome news for non-snowbird Florida residents), and the North can expect dryer and warmer than average weather.
California Giant projects strong strawberry volume for Mother’s Day
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Giant volumes of organic and conventionally grown strawberries are available from California Giant Berry Farms, right on time for the Mother’s Day holiday and National Strawberry Month.
California Giant announces 2nd strawberry supplier’s sustainability certification
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California Giant Berry Farms today announced the Sustainably Grown certification of Wysiwyg Farms, strategic strawberry grower-partner for California Giant.