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Northern rains couldn’t dampen demand or prices

- General News
Produce market prices are typically falling this time of year and don’t accelerate until week 46 for the Thanksgiving pull. Markets are poised to reach record highs next week and this may persist for a few weeks until Mexican supply improves.

ProduceIQ: Prices remain elevated as crops move south

- Analysis
After a year hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Organic Produce Summit garnered a surprisingly hearty turnout in Monterey, CA. A fitting end to a demanding summer season.

ProduceIQ: Wildfires affect crops in CA and beyond

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While astronauts watch from space as California wildfires spew smoke, the fresh produce industry is also keeping a birds-eye view on blazes in the golden state.

ProduceIQ: Dual hurricanes threaten growing regions

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While growing regions in the West have battled ferocious heat and drought throughout the summer, it’s the East Coast’s turn to navigate the challenges that come with turbulent weather.

ProduceIQ: Anything but business as usual in California

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Demand is outpacing supply in California, and it has nothing to do with any produce commodity the state is known for. Water is in a demand-exceeds-supply situation.

Aldi customers show love for strawberries

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For the third year running, shoppers share their #ALDILove for items they can't leave the store without

ProduceIQ: Markets uncertain as Elsa foreshadows busy hurricane season

- Analysis
Market direction is uncertain. Will demand exceed supply when both are falling?

Strawberries escape California heat

- General News
Despite the heat wave in California, strawberry production continues to chug along with higher volume than last year.

ProduceIQ: Prices for July 4th rise with the temps

- Analysis
Air-conditioned grocery stores won’t save Americans from price heat on this Independence Day. Prices are up +7.9 percent over the previous week.

Why Cal Giant is partnering with a vertical farm for strawberries

- General News
Cal Giant's Joe Barsi details the company's collaboration with vertical farming company OnePointOne.