Tag: stone fruit
California hits peak stone fruit season
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The California stone fruit season is at its peak. Favorable growing conditions have increased supplies compared to years past.
Stemilt advises retailers on promoting larger 2023 Washington cherry crop
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With Washington cherries on the way, Stemilt is expecting much greater volume this year.
Stemilt’s apricot crop forecast for more volume, bigger size
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Promising blooms and strong cell division action means Stemilt’s Washington apricot crop will bring big fruit this year.
Fruit World kicks off stone fruit season
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Fruit World, a fresh and creative produce company, has embraced a delayed start to stone fruit season, now shipping the ripest early cherry varieties - Hazel and Royal Lynn, with Coral variety soon to follow.
ProduceIQ: Winter storms rattle produce markets
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Last week’s winter storm swept across the U.S. From Texas to Maine, freezing rain, snow, and sleet backed up supply routes, grounded air travel, and generally muddled weekend plans.
Pacific Trellis Fruit offers new specialty imported plums
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Pacific Trellis Fruit, a year-round grower, shipper, and marketer of premium fresh fruit, unveils four new imported specialty plum varieties.
Pacific Trellis Fruit optimistic for import cherry season
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As the second largest cherry importer, Pacific Trellis Fruit is looking forward to the upcoming import Cherry season.
Homegrown Organic starts Regenerative Organic Certified stone fruit program
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Homegrown Organic Farms is pleased to introduce a Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) stone fruit program - the first in the world! As a part of the company’s ongoing commitment to caring for the land and the people they encounter, this program provides third-party recognition to support their efforts.
Fruit World reports on early season stone fruit
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Fruit World, a family-owned, values-driven grower-shipper of organic and conventional fruit, has been harvesting and shipping delicious organic apricots and cherries since mid-April from their Central Valley orchards.
Homegrown Organic Farms achieves EFI certification
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As the industry celebrates National Farmworker Awareness Week, Homegrown Organic Farms is pleased to announce its Northwest organic blueberry farms in Oregon have earned Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) certification.