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Stemilt spreads Christmas cheer with annual foster child gift donation

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Stemilt got to work shopping, wrapping and presenting gifts for an 11th year to donate to foster children in the Wenatchee valley.

Stemilt, Douglas Fruit honored at Washington events

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Stemilt is eager to share its Sr. Vice President of Business Strategy, Mike Taylor, was presented the Silver Pear Award at the Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting and NW Hort Show awards banquet on Dec 5 in Kennewick, WA.

Stemilt says Lil Snappers bags move apple volume

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Stemilt is promoting flavorful kid-sized apples called Lil Snappers to market apples as a fresh, healthy snack for parents and children

Stemilt advises big apple promotions with volume up

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Stemilt says to scratch last year’s apple plan because it’s time to turn the tide on this year’s big apple crop and move volume.

Stemilt’s expanded packing line improves bagged apple program

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Stemilt is putting the “a” in apples this season with “a” strong mix of varieties, “a” new apple line extension, and “a” passion for freshness.

Stemilt brings new sustainable solution, varieties to IFPA Global Show

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Like an apple on a tree, Stemilt welcomes growth and shares a passion for freshness with retailers this year at IFPA’s Global Produce & Floral Show

Douglas Fruit, Goose Ridge partnership brings more apple volume to Stemilt

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As long-time committed fruit growers, Goose Ridge will bring new acreage of apples to Douglas Fruit to be packed and marketed under the Stemilt World Famous Fruit brand.

Stemilt raises funds for WAEF scholarships

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Stemilt Growers presented Washington Apple Education Foundation with a check for $155,000 which was raised during the annual Thomas K. Mathison Memorial Golf Tournament on May 18.

Stemilt announces new leadership positions

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Two long-time Stemilters, Mike Taylor, VP of Sales and Marketing, and Tate Mathison, Director of Sales, have new roles.

Size, taste, and firmness: Stemilt’s Moon Cherries ready for liftoff

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Like the moon, the size, flavor, and firmness of A Half Mile Closer to the Moon cherries is out of this world making them the grand finale to the cherry season.