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Canada renews romaine requirements for Salinas Valley

- General News
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has released this season’s temporary import requirements for Salinas Valley lettuce. The requirements are the same as for the 2021 season, although the time frame has changed. 

A new culprit in E. coli infections: seasonality

- General News
Seasonal variations in E. coli outbreaks of field-harvested romaine lettuce have long been observed but little understood.

Indoor vs. field-grown romaine: a comparison

- Produce with Pamela
Indoor farming, especially for leafy greens, is expanding rapidly in North America. Is it a threat to field-grown lettuce?

Growers overcoming desert lettuce problems

- General News
Despite freezing temperatures that hit the Arizona/California desert growing region earlier this month, growers report volumes returning, prices dropping and improved quality.

Springworks Farm becomes exclusive whole head romaine lettuce supplier for all ME, NH, and MA Hannaford Stores

- General News
Springworks Farm, the largest and first certified organic aquaponic farming operation in New England, today announced that it is now the exclusive provider of whole head romaine lettuce to Hannaford Supermarkets in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

Heat, humidity lead to quality issues for California lettuce

- General News
Salinas, CA, area growers report the heat and humidity in July and early August is causing quality problems for iceberg, romaine and leaf lettuce.

ProduceIQ: Heat wave leaves industry parched

- Analysis
While decreases across categories dragged the overall index slightly down, anxiety over Western heat and forecasted precipitation is causing prices for lettuce and certain dry vegetables to jump off the floor.

FDA Romaine sampling program in 2019-20 found no pathogens

- General News
The FDA conducted a small, focused assignment in 2019 and 2020 to collect samples of raw agricultural commodity romaine lettuce to test for pathogenic Escherichia coli (specifically, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli or STEC) and Salmonella spp., microbial hazards repeatedly linked to foodborne illnesses associated with romaine lettuce consumption.

ProduceIQ: Marketplace freezes with the Nor’easter

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Prices for the overall ProduceIQ Index were deceptively buoyed by grapes and berries.

FDA to use new romaine sampling plan in Yuma

- General News
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is launching an assignment to collect romaine lettuce samples from commercial coolers in the Yuma County, AZ growing region during the current harvest season.