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Latino markets: A shelf or two vs. a whole store

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Over the past few decades, as the Latino population has grown, so has the demand for stores that offer what these shoppers want: everything from chiles and cherimoya to papayas and plantains.

Latino Markets: One size doesn’t fit all

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While the market may be ripe, it’s easy for mainstream retailers to assume that all Latinos have the same shopping and buying patterns. This is patently false.

Secrets to Success: Latino supermarkets

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How do Latin grocers maintain such a loyal customer base and continue to attract more shoppers?

The Virus and Gen Z

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One question hangs over Gen Z, as it does over everyone else: how will the coronavirus of 2020 change things?

Use technology to market to Gen Z

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In addition to being digital natives, Generation Z “see technology as integral to their lives,” according to a LinkedIn article written by Emily Ketchen, director of marketing for the Americas at tech firm HP.

Gen Z’s purchasing habits show contradictions

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We know some about Generation Z’s spending habits, but with their age range being 8 to 24, a lot could change.

Gen Z’s tastes in food

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Experts for the most part agree about Gen Z tastes in food.

The loneliness of Gen Z

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On a more serious note, Dr. Sean McDowell, a professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University in La Mirada, CA, describes Gen Zers as “lonely”—a characteristic that may have had a hard impact on their mental health.

The digital nature of Gen Z

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Certainly, Gen Z is the first fully digital generation. For them, the coming of the smartphone was undoubtedly much more significant than their kindergarten memories of the Twin Towers.

Understanding Gen Z

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The lines around Gen Z are fuzzy. Their starting birth years are usually given at around 1995 or 1996, if for no other reason than the oldest cohort was (more or less) old enough to remember the dislocations of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2011.