Tag: produce blueprints
Trading Assistance: Product Allegedly Loaded Warm
- Produce Blueprints
If a carrier hopes to overcome a clean bill of lading, it should be prepared to point to temperature records that support its allegation.
USDA Food Box Lessons: The Negatives
- Produce Blueprints
Like any rapidly rolled out initiative, some issues emerged in USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program.
USDA Food Box Lessons: The Positives
- Produce Blueprints
Despite some execution challenges and external criticism, the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program has been viewed positively by many produce industry professionals, including those who contributed to this series.
USDA Food Box Lessons: The Numbers
- Produce Blueprints
The Farmers to Families Food Box Program began in April 2020 with the USDA announcing the plan to exercise its authority under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to purchase and distribute agricultural products.
USDA Food Box Lessons
- Produce Blueprints
The fast actions of the USDA and the stellar performances by farmers, processors, distributors, and transportation firms generated greater food security in America.
Trading Assistance: Reefer Download vs. Portable Recorder
- Produce Blueprints
Somewhere, right now, there’s a carrier pointing to normal temperature readings indicated by a reefer download, while a vendor is pointing to readings from a portable recorder placed in the same trailer, indicating air temperatures were warm.
The Evolution of Dining: The post-pandemic future
- Produce Blueprints
There’s no minimizing the pain the foodservice industry endured for the last year and a half, but the pandemic paved the way for innovation and changes in how we select, buy, package, deliver, cook, and consume food.
The Evolution of Dining: Functional foods and snacks
- Produce Blueprints
For many, it’s not enough that food tastes great or provides good nutrition. It must also enhance energy, balance flora and fauna in the gut, and decrease inflammation, and that’s leading to changes in restaurant menus.
The Evolution of Dining: Dining at home
- Produce Blueprints
For more than a year, many consumers hunkered down at home, relying on whatever culinary skills they had before the pandemic.
Ghost kitchens don’t work for everyone
- Produce Blueprints
While the past 18 months have been brutal for the foodservice industry, one area has been booming. So-called “ghost kitchens” are expanding rapidly, especially with seed money from start-up investors.