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Trucking Concerns: Bad Roads, Bad Times

- Produce Blueprints
It’s hardly news that much of the infrastructure of the United States—including its roadways—is long overdue for overhaul and upgrading.

Trucking Concerns: Brokers vs. Assets

- Produce Blueprints
Trucking industry shifts go far beyond the impact of the pandemic. Even the structure of the industry has been altered.

Trucking Concerns: Working through a pandemic

- Produce Blueprints
Truckers continue to contend with ELDs (electronic logging devices) and HOS (hours of service), and over the last year and a half, have had to face additional obstacles created by the coronavirus.

Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: Fraud detection

- Produce Blueprints
It’s one thing to learn the warning signs of financial fraud, but it’s much more difficult to actually prove it is occurring.

Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: The red flags

- Produce Blueprints
Fortunately for those seeking to uncover financial statement fraud, whether within their own company or in a potential partner, creditor, or debtor, there are a number of red flags.

Trading Assistance: Salvage Returns

- Produce Blueprints
Even when vendors and carriers agree as to fault, they may disagree as to damages.

Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: Ill-gotten gains

- Produce Blueprints
The benefits of financial statement fraud seem obvious: as with everything else in business, it’s all about the money.

Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: Trapped in the triangle

- Produce Blueprints
The Fraud Triangle can become both a prison and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

- Produce Blueprints
Corporate fraud comes in many forms. Asset misappropriation, such as embezzlement and theft, and corruption in the form of taking bribes and payoffs, are the two most widely known.

USDA Food Box Lessons: Recommendations for the future

- Produce Blueprints
None of the issues raised by participants or others are deal breakers for future USDA-private industry programs.