New product winners and losers: Know your core business

- Produce Blueprints
Sometimes a new product innovation can be too far out of a company’s wheelhouse.

New product winners and losers: Go from idea to success

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It can be a mysterious mix of meeting the demand for a market need and timing it right. Sometimes, it’s valuable to take a hard look at what didn’t work to see a path forward.

Produce Pointers: Inspection and missing product

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Any missing product must be considered free of defects.

Exploring Apples: Imports and Exports

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Imports are not a major factor in the apple industry, but exports are.

Exploring Apples: Honeycrisp, still the leader

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Every new apple variety hopes to be the next Honeycrisp.

Exploring Apples: Consumption Trends

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New apple varieties are displacing old standards to the extent that some sources fret about the future of the venerable Red Delicious and Macintosh. But there is concern about newer varieties too.

Retail Reflections: Shoppers beware

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This past year has been particularly interesting—if “interesting” is the right word—for watching how retailers have adapted and adjusted to the new normal with respect to the pandemic.

Trucking Concerns: Beyond Boom and Bust

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Perhaps the most daunting problem facing the trucking industry is its long history of boom-and-bust cycles.

Trucking Concerns: Independent Operators

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There has long been a tension over the issue of independent contractor versus employee status.

Trucking Concerns: Hours of Service

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Most issues facing truckers are interconnected. The parking problem is tied into Hours Of Service requirements, which are set by the U.S. Department of Transportation.