Tag: produce blueprints
Adapting and evolving the fresh produce social media presence
- Produce Blueprints
The messages that reach the farthest are conversational, often humorous, and first-person. In other words: real.
Trading Assistance: Resolving claims, collections & disputes
- Produce Blueprints
Today, Blue Book's Trading Assistance team provides collection and dispute resolution services tailored to the fresh produce industry, and helps you evaluate the creditworthiness of trading and transportation partners. In this article we discuss how Trading Assistance works and how it may help you.
Game Changers: Who’s Got Next?
- Produce Blueprints
Bagged salads and clamshells have opened new doors for the produce industry, but they also bring challenges the industry is going to have to face sooner, rather than later.
Game Changers: The Way We Shop
- Produce Blueprints
It’s hard to pin down the change from sterile, utilitarian supermarkets to the shopping adventures crafted by retailers today, but Tristan Simpson of Tristan Michele Marketing, says it was a noticeable change, and it truly did change the way people shop.
Game Changers: Vertical Growing
- Produce Blueprints
For decades, greenhouses brought us cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes in areas and climates where it wasn’t possible before. This, too, was a gamechanger for the fresh produce industry.
Game Changers: The Big Apple
- Produce Blueprints
Another innovation that changed the game, in the apple category at least, almost didn’t happen.
Game Changers: Flavorful Tomatoes
- Produce Blueprints
Tomatoes in the produce department in the late 1980s and 1990s were a little green in the gills. “Gas green,” to be exact.
Game Changers: Produce Packaging
- Produce Blueprints
Clamshells led to other effects and efficiencies in packaging. The same goes for most UPC-coded produce items.
Game Changers: Clamshells Lead to Branding
- Produce Blueprints
The adoption of clamshells resulted in selling more strawberries, many more. As well as other berries like raspberries and blueberries in clamshells.
Game Changers: Strawberry Clamshells
- Produce Blueprints
Picture the so-called “berry patch” at your favorite retailer. It’s likely a cooler case of neat and tidy rows of shiny clear plastic clamshells.