Tag: produce blueprints
The Future of Farming: Seasonal vs. permanent workers
- Produce Blueprints
As a rule, labor shortages are more acute for seasonal workers than for permanent ones.
The Future of Farming: Labor
- Produce Blueprints
The concern about taking jobs away from U.S. workers continues, as shown by the present-day H-2A program. Growers can recruit foreign labor, but they must prove they have attempted, and failed, to secure domestic workers for the requested positions first.
We’re seeing the future of farming evolve before our eyes
- Produce Blueprints
As we explore the future of farming in this online series, I’m replaying in my mind the field tours I’ve done over the past year and a half.
The Future of Farming: Labor, mechanization, and imports
- Produce Blueprints
The produce industry has a future. That is certain. Human beings have been eating fresh fruit and vegetables for as long as anyone can tell, and that will continue for as long as anyone can foresee.
Meaningful Work: Define Your Purpose
- Produce Blueprints
The twentieth century saw an explosion of success literature in the United States, with tens of thousands of books published and many millions sold.
Trading Assistance: Resolving claims, collections & disputes
- Trading Assistance
Blue Book Services has provided trading guidelines and best practices throughout its long history. Today, the Trading Assistance team provides collection and dispute resolution services tailored to the fresh produce industry, and helps you evaluate the creditworthiness of trading and transportation partners.
Meaningful Work: The Produce Pressure Cooker
- Produce Blueprints
There are dangers in tying the meaning of one’s life too closely to a profession.
Meaningful Work: A Profession with Pride
- Produce Blueprints
Produce professionals generally show an enormous pride and satisfaction in their work.
Meaningful Work: Destiny and DNA
- Produce Blueprints
One great advantage enjoyed by people in the produce industry is the indisputable importance of what they do. After all, there’s little or nothing more important than food.
Meaningful Work: How does the produce industry stack up?
- Produce Blueprints
Do you know what gives meaning and purpose to your life? Maybe you don’t, but maybe you do.