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What the numbers tell us about potato and onion trends

- Analysis

Potatoes are the top vegetable crop in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of …


Technology helps potato and onion challenges

- Produce Blueprints

Technology can’t change the weather, but it is helping onion and potato growers improve production, protect …


USA and Canada potato production: by the numbers

- Produce Blueprints

The United States harvests just over one million acres of potatoes each year. Idaho leads the …


A good story can help sell potatoes to modern consumers

- Produce Blueprints

Some potato shippers continue to develop less traditional production areas to fill gaps between storage supplies …


Merchandising and marketing potatoes remain front and center to success

- Produce Blueprints

Kevin Stanger, president of Wada Farms Marketing Group LLC, Idaho Falls, ID, is a big fan …


New potato varieties have no easy path

- Produce Blueprints

The potato category continues to diversify, from the ever-popular Russets and reds to whites, yellows, and …


Marketing can distinguish potatoes and onions

- Produce Blueprints

Potatoes and onions may be classics, but their appeal is universal. Consumers of all ages are …


See how fresh produce fares in Thanksgiving dinner cost

- Analysis

All the holiday orders are now paying off at retail as consumers head to stores, make …
