Tag: potatoes
PEI potato growers dread a repeat of history
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PEI potato growers are likely to find a replay of 2001 no more amusing than the original.
Agriculture Secretary comments on PEI potato import suspension
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On Nov. 21, 2021, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) suspended certification of all potatoes from PEI.
U.S. Potato industry supports action to protect Canadian provinces and U.S. after additional disease detections
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Should potato wart be transmitted to the United States, the U.S. potato industry would likely lose access to all international fresh potato markets, costing the industry over $225 million in annual sales.
ProduceIQ: Prices are ‘stuffed’ on low yields and a strong Thanksgiving pull
- FeaturedYou may have things to be thankful for this year, but fresh produce buyers are struggling …
Tasteful Selections acquires RPE to become Tasteful Partners
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Baby potato category leader Tasteful Selections and RPE, its exclusive sales and marketing partner since Tasteful Selections planted its first potato in 2010, today announced formation of a new entity, Tasteful Partners.
Wada Farms, The Produce Moms launch cobranded potato package
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The Produce Moms x Wada Farms Easy-Baker will be available at Walmart and other grocers supplied by Wada Farms' distribution partners.
Idaho Potato Commission names president and CEO
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Produce industry veteran Jamey Higham will become the next president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission, effective in early 2022.
Eagle Eye Produce to harvest Idaho potatoes this week
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Eagle Eye Produce, a top tier grower and shipper of fresh produce, will start shipping new crop russet, red, and yellow potatoes from their packing facilities in Idaho this week.
Alsum Farms begins Wisconsin red potato harvest
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Wisconsin red potato harvest is underway at Alsum Farms in Grand Marsh, Wis. with the first potato loads being washed, graded and packed for fresh market delivery to distribution centers and retail grocers the first full week of August.
ProSource Produce and Arrowhead Potato enter sales partnership
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Rupert, Idaho based potato grower-shipper Arrowhead Potato Co., and Idaho based ProSource Produce LLC., have entered an exclusive Sales and Marketing Agreement, that will take effect on August 01, 2021.