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Reconsidering single-use plastic bags

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Like everything else, reusable bags have come under scrutiny in the time of the coronavirus.

Plastic in produce gets a pass – for now

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In my reporting, I’ve advocated for plastic when it serves a function. And right now, that function is reassuring consumers that their food is safe.

The Plight of Plastics in fresh produce

- General News
Plastic in fresh produce isn't the enemy, but how can we use it in the smartest way?

Canadian Produce Marketing Association and VCM International Release Plastic Packaging Technical Report and Roadmap

- General News
The Technical Report details the results of months of research on Canadian and global plastic use, focusing on the fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain’s impact.

CPMA podcast digs into produce and plastic

- Produce with Pamela
If you haven’t caught the CPMA Produce Talks podcast lately, you missed a great one talking about plastic.

Plastic packaging is not the enemy, says panel at FPAA

- General News
Consumers say they want less food packaging, especially single-use plastic. But two produce industry leaders say plastic packaging is often the best way to reduce food waste and improve food safety, and burdensome restrictions on plastic will have unintended negative consequences.

Can we go plastic-free in the grape category?

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While it does serve a purpose for many items in the produce department, there are many who'd like to see a plastic-free produce department.  Is it possible? 

Dayka & Hackett launches plastic-free grape packaging

- General News
The unique paper used in the Eco-Tote™ is biodegradable, compostable and recyclable. The colorful design appeals to environmentally conscious consumers and those just looking for a fresh approach to how they purchase grapes.

Grocer pilots laser-labeled mangoes to minimize plastic packaging

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The first organic mangoes with laser labeling are available in all EUROSPAR and INTERSPAR stores in Austria.

Sobeys to introduce reusable produce bags in first push to eliminate plastic bags by January 2020

- Retail
The Canadian grocer eliminates plastic bags as first step in removing unnecessary plastic from retail and focuses on promoting reusable, sustainable alternatives that drive long-term behavioural change