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Peru lemon exports rise in Q1 2024

- International
At the end of the first quarter of the year, Peruvian citrus shipments totaled 15,540 tons for $15.7 million, which meant 10 percent more in volume and 5 percent more in value compared to the same period last year

Peruvian mango export volume down, prices up in Q1 2024

- International
In the first quarter of 2024, Peruvian mango exports reached 65,366 tons with a value of $188,640,000, according to Agraria

Peruvian mandarin exports drop in April

- International
In April, mandarin shipments by Peru totaled 10,184 tons for $12.1 million, registering a reduction of 24.9 percent in value and 30.1 percent in volume

Peruvian mango exports lost 20% in value in 2023-2024 season amid huge volume drop

- International
In the 2023-2024 campaign, Peruvian exports of fresh mango totaled $237 million, reflecting a drop of 20 percent, compared to the $296 million reported in the previous campaign

Peru plans to grow its influence as a fruit exporter

- International
Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has a plan: position Peru as the eighth largest exporter of fruit in the world, which would translate into significant income for the country and its economic resurgence

U.S. apple exports to Peru rise in Q1

- International
From January to March of this year, Peru imported 7,044,988 kilos of apples for a CIF value of $8,753,522, reflecting an increase compared to the 6,452,410 kilos imported in the same period of 2023 for $7,273,120

Peruvian avocado exports rise in 2024 Q1

- International
In the first quarter of this year, Peruvian exports of fresh avocado reached 105,034 tons for $233 million, reflecting an increase of 35 percent in volume and 46 percent in value compared to what was recorded in the same period of 2023

Peruvian onion exports increased 29% in March 2024

- International
Peruvian onion exports totaled 4,118 tons in March 2024, which was 28.9 percent higher than what was reported in the same month of 2023

Change at the helm of New York’s Trade Office of Peru

- General News
The New York office welcomes Diana Pita as its new Trade Commissioner.

The U.S. receives nearly half of Peruvian table grape exports in 2023-2024 campaign

- International
Between week 35 of 2023 and week 09 of 2024, Peruvian exports of fresh grapes reached 562 tons for $1.484 billion, showing a drop of 11 percent in volume, but an increase of 2 percent in value, compared to what registered in the same period of the previous campaign (2022/2023)