Tag: nutrition
New Jersey students benefit from fresh produce program
- General News
USDA-funded New Jersey program expands in bringing fresh fruits and vegetables to schoolchildren in 22 schools
The Fresh Market launches holiday fundraiser with Feeding America
- Retail
The retail chain is launching a holiday rounding up program to provide food to poor families through Feeding America
USApple launches healthy eating program
- General News
USApple announces the launch of this year's charitable initiative to support healthy eating projects in public schools
Florida Blue Foundation invests $14.5MM to improve food security and health outcomes
- General News
Florida Blue Foundation, the philanthropic affiliate for the state's Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, announced it is awarding $3.3 million in grants to nine community-based programs across the state to improve access to healthy food in food deserts and other rural communities where Floridians have limited access to affordable, healthy food options.
Frank talk about the farm bill
- Analysis
The produce industry might want to distinguish what it wants in the farm bill from what it can get.
Why you can’t eat just one
- Analysis
If the produce industry has a single greatest enemy, its name is HPF. Which stands for hyperpalatable foods. Foods that are designed to taste addictively good. There are a lot of them on the market.
Bayer and Kroger partner to boost rural health access
- Retail
Bayer, one of the country’s largest life-sciences companies, announced today its campaign to remind rural America to “Take Care, Now” and help alleviate care deserts in rural America, areas significantly impacted by both food insecurity and limited access to healthcare.
Probing the healthiest of all vegetables
- Analysis
According to a study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the winner of “the healthiest vegetable” is watercress, which by the criteria of the study cited, scores 100 percent, making it the top “powerhouse” vegetable.
IFPA applauds Senate agriculture appropriations, full funding for WIC
- General News
The Senate subcommittee’s legislation fully funds WIC, including the fruit and vegetable benefit amount at the current levels consistent with the National Academy of Science’s recommendations.
What makes junk food junk food?
- Analysis
With obesity currently at a rate of 36 percent in the American population, public health authorities are increasingly targeting junk food. One method being considered to reduce junk food consumption is taxation.