Tag: mexico
Mexico Spring Grape Summit moves to Tubac, AZ
- General NewsPRESS RELEASE The Table Grape Growers Association in Mexico invites the industry to participate in the …
SAGARPA changes name to SADER
- International
As Mexico’s equivalent of the USDA adjusts to its new name and direction, it’s also starting four new programs this year.
See Avocados from Mexico’s Super Bowl ads before the Big Game
- Featured
What do avocados and dogs have in common? They aren’t a natural pair, as skins and pits typically are toxic to household pets, but for this year’s Super Bowl ad, Avocados from Mexico is doing what it can to help dogs in need.
Latin America’s Produce Exports in Numbers
- Produce BlueprintsNo one can dispute Mexico’s pivotal role in the North American produce scene, but in recent …
New bill reignites Florida vs. Mexico tensions
- General News
The Florida vs. Mexico agriculture dispute is heating up again, as three Florida Congressmen have introduced a bill to protect farmers from competition.
Latin America challenges Mexico’s export prowess
- Produce BlueprintsWhile the numbers may sound daunting, Mexico’s success and proximity to one of the world’s biggest …
Produce Powerhouses of Latin America target North America
- Produce BlueprintsNorth America is a produce exporter’s dream: millions of hungry consumers with money to spend, craving …
Viva Fresh 2019 registration open
- General NewsOrganizers of the Viva Fresh Expo have seen exceptional growth since the show’s first outing in 2015. To that end, they’ve opened registration for the 2019 event in San Antonio even earlier.