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FPAA Disappointed that Commerce Has Ended the Tomato Suspension Agreement

- General News

The Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) is disappointed the Department of Commerce has terminated …


Report: Georgia economy could suffer “catastrophic” damage under current USMCA

- General News
Economic impact models released by the University of Georgia show potentially “catastrophic” damage to the state’s fresh produce industry under the Trump Administration’s U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement.

Retrasos en la frontera están causan interrupciones en el mercado

- International

Retrasos la frontera de México-EE. UU. están comenzando a aumentar los precios para aquellos a lo …


Mexico border crossing delays disrupt markets for mangoes, berries, avocados and more

- International
Delays at the Mexico-U.S. border are starting to increase prices for those along the fresh produce supply chain. What’s more, the effects will only be more widespread if no resolutions are reached.

Acuerdo de suspensión de tomate – conversaciones en curso

- International

Las conversaciones sobre la suspensión del tomate entre los líderes de Florida y México continúan, y …


Tomato Suspension Agreement – Ongoing Talks

- International

The Tomato Suspension talks between Florida and Mexican leaders are ongoing, and there has been plenty …


Mexican tomato growers offer changes to suspension agreement, and Florida growers open to negotiate

- General News

PRESS RELEASE — Associations representing most of the Mexican tomato industry on April 8, formally presented …


El consumo de frutas y vegetales está disminuyendo en México

- International

Un estudio reciente mostró que el consumo de frutas y verduras ha disminuido un 30% en …


Fruit and Vegetable Consumption on a Decline in Mexico

- International

A recent study showed that fruit and vegetable consumption has fallen 30% in the last 30 …


Mexican grape estimate shows sharp increase over 2018

- General News
TUBAC, AZ —The estimate is in earlier than usual this year, but if it holds, Mexican grape growers will export about 34% more boxes than in the 2018 season.