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ProduceIQ: tomatoes, melons, cherries lead modest price increase

- Featured
Current price losers include categories of berries, wet vegetables and lettuce. Blackberries led the decline, -22 percent, as Mexico continues to offer reliable supply.

ProduceIQ: Overall prices continue to drop

- Analysis
Predictably, industry prices fell further. The downward trend will likely continue this week as demand remains low. We have a bit more time before the Thanksgiving pull typically impacts demand.

ProduceIQ: Industry prices falling for Halloween

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Prices have descended as production transitions South. Markets are expected to fall further the week before Halloween as new areas of production increase supply volume.

Dan Andrews Farms completes export campaign with Hazel Tech on melons

- General News
Hazel Technologies Inc., a USDA-funded technology company delivering new solutions for fresh produce to extend shelf-life, increase sales, and fight food waste, announces a completed melon export campaign with Dan Andrews Farms, grower of premium melons since 2007.

Salesman returns to Legend Produce

- General News
Legend Produce, a leading grower and marketer of melons, is pleased to announce the hiring of Brian Faseler as the newest sales associate.

Pandemic causes drop in Honduran melon exports

- International
Exports totaled $86.1 million during the first four months of this year, reflecting a decrease of 16.5 percent in comparison to the $103.1 million exported in the same period the previous year.

Grower Alliance partners with Hazel Technologies for melons

- General News
Grower Alliance has integrated the innovative Hazel™ for Melon packaging technology into their melon supply chain with the goal of further reducing food-waste.

Markon crops report: Potatoes and Onions in turmoil

- General News
Potatoes and onions are diverse crops grown in many areas of the country, and even with stronger retail demand, growers and marketers of neither could have anticipated the economic uncertainty that’s come with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The potential way forward in melon traceability

- Produce Blueprints

Although the melon industry has a demonstrated need, the adoption of traceability systems industrywide is still …


RFID and the melon traceability system

- Produce Blueprints

The melon traceability system is dependent on the adoption of RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, which …
