Tag: Markon Cooperative
Pepper prices remain high
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Both red and green bell pepper markets remain high as Mexico’s volume winds down and domestic supplies increase.
California navel season winds down
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The California navel season is nearing its end with growers expecting to ship through the end of May.
Strawberry prices should drop soon
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Strawberry prices remain strong with limited supplies from California thanks to rain.
Broccoli market heating up
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After weeks of low prices, broccoli demand is growing as the crop transitions, causing prices to rise.
Onion market softening as new crops start
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Texas-grown onions are hitting the market as spring starts just in time as Northwest storage crops are running low on supplies.
Bargain strawberry prices disappearing as crops transition
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Wholesale strawberry prices, which had been falling or staying low for the past few weeks, should head back upward as crops transition from Florida and Mexico to California.
Ice continues to disrupt desert lettuce
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The Arizona/California desert region has dealt with volatile weather much of this winter, and it has continued into spring, causing prices to spike.
Desert weather causing lettuce quality problems
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The Arizona/California desert region continues to experience inconsistent weather. The current forecast calls for a warming trend through Wednesday, March 2 with temperatures in upper 70°s to low 90°s.
Ice hits desert lettuce again
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Markon Cooperative reports the Arizona/California desert growing region is experiencing temperatures in the upper 20°s to mid-30°s this morning, causing widespread lettuce ice to form on lettuce and desert row crop items.
Mixed berry prices to rise on tight volume
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Blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry supplies are tightening, which will likely cause prices to rise over the next few weeks.