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Produce marketing shifts online in the age of quarantines

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It’s clear the world has hit pause on most marketing and communications plans that were in place before the COVID-19 outbreak. But what do we do now?

BrandStorm Key Takeaways, Part 2: authenticity

- Produce with Pamela
How do you find, and nurture, your brand's authentic message?

BrandStorm key takeaways, part 1: patience and persistence

- Produce with Pamela

AUSTIN, TX–Pamela talks with Mary Coppola, vice president of marketing and communications for the United Fresh …


2020 Insights: Marketing

- Produce Blueprints

Advancements in packaging, logistics, and transportation are helping spur produce marketing efforts and augment supply. This …


ESPN’s 3-hour Idaho Potato commercial

- Analysis
The potato’s connection to the football game wasn’t subtle, and that was the plan.

Disney tips for produce marketers

- General News

NEW YORK – A former Disney executive has some ideas for produce companies looking to implement …


Lutz to leave PMA, start marketing venture

- General News
Industry veteran Steve Lutz has resigned his position as regional vice president with the Produce Marketing Association to open a new marketing and strategic communications venture.

When, how and why to refresh your brand

- General News

CHICAGO—If you’re spending more time explaining who you are than what you do, you might need …


Marketing returns to its roots in Salinas

- Produce Blueprints

Three major trends that affect the marketing of produce—including the many fruits and vegetables grown in …


E-commerce: the enemy of produce brands?

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Everybody in this business wants to see how their product is handled at retail. Why aren’t we looking for it online, too?