Tag: limes
ProduceIQ: Strong demand keeps produce price index up 14%
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Driven by strong Superbowl and Valentine’s Day demand, overall produce industry prices remain 14 percent higher than in any prior year.
ProduceIQ: Cold weather doomsayers do not disappoint
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We didn’t intend for last week’s headline to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let’s agree to blame El Nino, OK?
ProduceIQ: Bezos and tomatoes head South
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El Niño turned the chillers on. Now, growers across North America are scrambling to salvage the last bit of their fall season as production shifts to warmer climates.
ProduceIQ: Scary high blueberry prices frighten buyers
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Blueberries are El Nino’s most haunting victim yet. A relatively new commodity for Peruvian growers that some believed was too big of a risk to try in the first place.
ProduceIQ: Prices keep rising as heat sticks around
- AnalysisThe first day of fall may be Saturday, but summer heat isn’t ready to pass the …
TIPA applauds USDA’s lime price adjustments
- General News
On Friday, September 1st, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Market News began reporting Limes in a manner that is more consistent with the many grade offerings of that commodity so as to better reflect the range of quality that exists in the marketplace by using “Appearance.”
ProduceIQ: California grapes tell Hilary, ‘Don’t rain on our parade’
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In case you avoided the internet all weekend, the tropics are ablaze with activity. Storms on the West and East coast are disrupting the flow of goods.
ProduceIQ: Heat hogs headline for the third week in a row
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About 85 million Americans are abiding triple-digit temperatures across the U.S. Unfortunately for growers, much of the heat is also plaguing parts of the continent actively supplying fresh produce.
ProduceIQ: Record heat contributes to higher market
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Apparently, in response to last month’s audacity to be, on average, one of the coolest Junes in the last few years, July weather is determined to set the whole North American continent ablaze.
Produce veterans start citrus and lime sourcing company
- General News
Produce and citrus industry veterans have teamed up to form a new company specializing in
global lime and citrus sourcing with a strong North American distribution team.