Tag: labor
Farm labor reform act reintroduced in Congress
- Analysis
At this point, one can exasperatedly wonder what it will take to make the Farm Workforce Modification Act (FWMA) into the law of the land.
Continued challenge to new AEWR policy
- Analysis
The adverse effect wage rate (AEWR) is one of many features that make the H-2A guestworker program unpopular with growers. One recent innovation makes it more so. This new provision applies multiple wage rates rather than the single statewide rate that had previously been in place.
ZAG Technical Services shares security tips for remote workers
- General News
Remote work has grown in popularity and is being celebrated with its own holiday on June 29. To mark the occasion, ZAG Technical Services, an award-winning strategic IT consulting firm and the leading IT security provider in agribusiness is sharing top tips for increasing tech security for remote workers.
H-2A fees increase 7.9 percent
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The State Department dropped the fee increase from 63 percent to 7.9 percent after it received more than 80 comments from farmers.
West Coast port strike averted
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The single most important event affecting the produce industry at the moment is no doubt the proposed settlement of the longshoremen’s strike at West Coast ports. The six-year agreement was reached late yesterday.
EFI recognizes 2023 National Safety Month
- General News
Equitable Food Initiative, the capacity-building and certification organization that partners with growers, farmworkers, retailers and consumer groups, is bringing attention to National Safety Month and encouraging fresh produce grower-shippers to prioritize worker engagement to drive workplace safety and improve the bottom line.
Baby busts on both sides of the border
- Analysis
I’m always fascinated when I come across one news story that dovetails with another from a different source.
IFPA members testify at Senate hearing on labor
- General News
International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) members testified at the May 31 Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing “From farm to table: Immigrant workers get the job done”.
Unifrutti partners with Tevel for AI harvesting in Chile
- General News
In a first-ever collaboration, the face of the fruit industry in Chile is being revolutionized as A.I.-driven robots pick apples in Linares. This remarkable endeavor is the result of a partnership between Tevel, an Israeli robotics startup, and Unifrutti, offering a glimpse into the future of the agriculture industry.
Labor contractor Garza Labor rebrands
- General News
Garza Labor, a nationwide labor contractor headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has undergone a brand refresh to reflect its ongoing commitment to improving labor practices and exceeding state and federal standards for labor employment.