Tag: halloween
Kroger offers frighteningly fresh Halloween
- Retail
The giant retailer is highlighting treats such as pumpkins, guacamole, and salsa along with traditional Halloween fare.
Potatoes put new takes on Halloween traditions
- General News
Spuds as Halloween treats or carved into jack-o'-lanterns hark back to old traditions
Scary scenarios for Halloween
- Analysis
Since this is Halloween, it seems appropriate to share a couple of produce-themed images suited to the season.
Potatoes USA notes a new tradition for Halloween
- General News
What’s the best Halloween treat? You might expect most kids to say candy bars, peanut butter cups or sour gummies, but for an increasing number of trick-or-treaters across the country, the answer is none other than America’s favorite vegetable, the potato.
Dole to celebrate Halloween with recipe, resource page
- General News
Responding to increasing public demand for all-things Halloween, as well as healthier ways to celebrate without stifling the scares or all-ages fun, Dole Food Company has launched its largest-ever recipe and resource page dedicated to the beloved end-of-October holiday.