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Peruvian exports to the U.S. rose by 23% in 2022

- International
From January to November 2022, total Peruvian exports to the U.S. totaled $7.73 billion, reflecting an increase of 23.4 percent compared to the same period in 2021 and an increase of 39.3 percent compared to the same time period in 2020, according to Agraria, using Foreign Trade Society of Peru (ComexPeru) data.

Peruvian table grape exports down due to blockades

- International
In the first four months (October-January) of the Peruvian table grape campaign, exports reached 432 million kilos, representing a reduction of .5 percent compared to the same period the previous campaign, said Fernando Cilloniz Benavides, president of Inform@ccion.

Peruvian table grape exports to the U.S. rise this season

- International
The 2022-2023 Peruvian grape campaign started on the right foot since October, as shipments abroad totaled $98.1 million, reflecting a growth of 29 percent compared to the same month in 2021 ($76.2 million), according to the Association of Exporters (Adex).

ASOEX latest forecast for Chilean grape exports shows slight increase

- General News
The Table Grape Committee of ASOEX (Chilean Fruit Exporters Association) has released its fourth export forecast for the 2022/23 season.

Peru and Chile resume fruit exports after protests

- International
The grape season in Peru and cherry season in Chile had their shipments interrupted due to demonstrations by different transport sectors of both countries in protest against the rise in fuel costs.

Four Star Fruit projects bigger import grape season

- General News
Four Star Fruit is a premier full-service grower and marketer of year-round table grapes.

Grape supplies to tighten as California season ends

- General News
The California season will wrap up in late December. Expect pricing to gradually increase as the California season winds down.

Peruvian table grape exports could grow 20%

- International
The 2022/2023 table grape season has just begun, and shipments are already above projected estimates, said Inform@ccion president Fernando Cilloniz Benavidez.

Study shows grape consumption helps counter UV damage to skin

- General News
A recent human study published in the scientific journal Antioxidants found that consuming grapes protected against ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin.

Awe Sum Organics begins winter organic table grape season

- General News
Awe Sum Organics, the largest importer of Organic Table Grapes from the Southern Hemisphere has begun the 10th season of their Organic Peruvian Winter Table Grape Program.