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ProducePay and Four Star partner on produce supply chain program

- General News
ProducePay, the marketplace transforming the global produce industry into a more connected and sustainable supply chain, and Four Star Fruit, one of the largest growers and shippers of table grapes, today launched the fresh produce industry’s first-of-its-kind direct-to-retail supply chain program.

IFG acquisition by SNFL nears completion

- General News
International Fruit Genetics, LLC (IFG), the world's largest table grape breeder, which boasts 48 patented table grape varieties and ten patented sweet cherry varieties, announced that the acquisition of IFG by Special New Fruit Licensing Limited (SNFL, a consortium backed by AMFRESH) is expected to conclude in the coming weeks, following the approval of the transaction by the European Commission and the resounding verdict in the arbitration proceedings affirming that the transaction is proper and may proceed to closing.

Oppy expands its grape program domestically

- General News
Further strengthening its supply in California, one of North America’s leading grape specialists, Oppy, is pleased to introduce new acreage under the Ocean Spray label.

Peru has exported 35% more table grapes this year

- International
After experiencing large peaks in shipments at the beginning of the year, Peruvian grape exports have cooled but stayed ahead of last year’s pace.

Grape prices dropping as Mexican volume rises

- General News
Mexican green and red grape prices are declining; demand is strong.

Sonora grape deal rebounds after slow start

- General News
After a delayed start to the Mexican table grape season, producers are bouncing back with normal production moving into the month of June.

ProduceIQ: Glorious spuds have never been more expensive

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At $28, an 80-count Russet potato market continues to be 60 percent higher than prior years. And unfortunately for potato lovers, pricey spuds aren’t anything new.

Grape supplies tight, prices higher during transition

- General News
Red and green grape packs will be limited for the next seven days as the offshore storage season ends. The Mexican season has begun; volume is minimal.

Fresh Farms launches new marketing campaign ‘Taste to Believe’

- General News
Fresh Farms, a leading grower, packer, and shipper of high-quality produce, has announced the launch of its new marketing campaign, "Taste to Believe."

Four Star Fruit enhances grape supply through acquisition

- General News
Four Star Fruit, a leading grower of organic and conventional table grapes, recently acquired 1,100 acres of table grape vineyards and two modern distribution facilities near Bakersfield, California from Grapeman Farms