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Giumarra launches co-branded Thx! green kiwifruit supporting farmworker dreams

- General News
For the initial launch, each package features a Thx! sticker highlighting Nicolás, a farmworker whose dream of buying a computer to help his grandchildren with their homework is made possible through consumer purchases of the kiwifruit.

Let’s try it: Fuyu persimmons

- Produce with Pamela
Giumarra Bros. has a promotion for its fuyu persimmions, #DoYouFuyu, and they kindly sent a box, along with some recipe suggestions.

Giumarra Companies, Capital City Fruit team for Lemonade apple direct-to-consumer campaign

- General News
Starting Nov. 1, consumers across the 48 contiguous states will be able to purchase the apples directly through Capital City Fruit's online platform, Fresh Cart Produce.

Chilean grape importers seek fumigation exemption

- General News
Importers are seeking a systems approach to imports of Chilean grapes, which will remove fumigation requirements.

Guimarra partners with Fair Trade offering webinar for Fair Trade Month

- General News
The Giumarra Companies, in partnership with Fair Trade USA, announces an educational “Ask Us Anything: Fair Trade” webinar to take place during Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Fresh Summit virtual event.

Giumarra partners with robotics firm to test autonomous flight delivery

- General News
The Giumarra Companies announces a joint project with Mountain View, Calif.-based startup Reliable Robotics Corporation to test shipments of produce utilizing autonomous aircraft technology developed by the latter company.

Giumarra expands Mystic grape program for Mexican season

- General News
Giumarra’s Mystic grape program includes Mystic Treat® red seedless grapes, Mystic Sweet® green seedless grapes, and Mystic Pearl® black seedless grapes. Mystic grapes are packed by special order and are available in 2-lb., 3-lb., and 4-lb. clamshells.