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Grimmway recalls carrots after linked to E. coli outbreak

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CDC and public health officials in several states are investigating a multistate outbreak of E. coli O121 infections linked to multiple brands of recalled organic whole bagged carrots and baby carrots sold by Grimmway Farms.

CDC: Onions likely source of McDonald’s outbreak

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CDC and FDA say epidemiologic and traceback data show that fresh, slivered onions served at McDonald's were the likely source of this outbreak.

AFF notes important produce safety takeaways from USDA PDP report

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Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its annual Pesticide Data Program report to little fanfare or attention.

CDC says onions likely source of McDonald’s outbreak

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Epidemiologic and traceback data show that fresh, slivered onions served at McDonald's were the likely source of this outbreak.

The clock is ticking to get FSMA 204 compliant

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With an early 2026 deadline, 2025 is the year that companies across the fresh produce supply chain will need to get serious about FSMA 204 compliance.

Fresh Express recalls salads related to chicken recall

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Fresh Express is voluntarily recalling a limited number of Gourmet Café Chicken Caesar Salad Bowls due to the inclusion of recalled chicken.

McDonald’s outbreak expands, 75 people infected in 13 states

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As of October 24, 75 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 have been reported from 13 states.

Taylor Farms recalls onions potentially related to McDonald’s E. coli outbreak

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Media reports have connected Salinas, CA-based Taylor Farms to an E. coli outbreak investigation tied to Quarter Pounders sold at McDonald’s restaurants.

McDonald’s outbreak tracks burgers, onions as possible culprit

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Investigators are working to determine if the slivered onions or beef patties on Quarter Pounder burgers are the likely source of this outbreak.

Wisconsin farm recalls alfalfa and alfalfa onion sprouts because of possible health risk

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Jack and the Green Sprouts, Inc. of River Falls, WI is recalling its 5 ounce packages of Alfalfa and Alfalfa Onion sprouts because they have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.