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CEA Alliance hosts first Washington, DC fly-in

- General News
Members of the Controlled Environment Agriculture Alliance met with more than 25 Congressional, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and State Departments of Agriculture leaders January 24-25 to advance the importance of CEA production in the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill and other legislation.

IFPA meets with House Ag Committee chairman on farm bill

- General News
Following meetings last week with new members of the 118th Congress, International Fresh Produce Association government relations staff and a small group of IFPA members met with incoming House Agriculture Committee Chair Representative GT Thompson (R-PA) and other key House leaders at the Pennsylvania Farm Show on January 13.

Farm bill looks at specialty crops

- Analysis
Farm bills, which outline federal policy toward agriculture, including price supports and the food stamp program, tend to address specialty crops only incidentally: the large commodities—principally grains and soybeans—get the vast amount of attention. This time it’s a bit different.

What one Green Acres-like experience teaches us about farming in the U.S. today

- Analysis
Has the produce industry been wise to avoid farm subsidies seen in row crops and the like?

Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance outlines goals for 2023 farm bill

- General News
The Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA), a national coalition of more than 200 specialty crop organizations representing growers of fruits, vegetables, dried fruit, tree nuts, nursery plants and other products, has released its statemen

The motive behind U.S. farm policy: inertia

- Analysis
For years it has been my custom to read The Economist regularly. I was particularly struck by an article in the current issue, on the American farm situation. 

Produce industry sees many victories in farm bill

- General News
After months of debate, both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed the farm bill rather quickly this week, and fresh produce was one of the winners.

United Fresh encourages quick passage of Farm Bill – this week

- General News

The United Fresh Produce Association applauds the House and the Senate Farm Bill Conference Committee for approving a Farm Bill conference report, the final report to H.R. 2, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. This legislation will direct policy and funding resources for key agriculture programs in the Federal Government for the next five years.
