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Mexico berries expected to grow despite the pandemic

- International
Mexico’s berry industry will stay on course with positive growth projections in 2020 despite the pandemic caused by COVID-19.

Citrus exporters find hot U.S. market

- General News
Citrus exporters to the U.S. are finding a hot market this summer as retail demand has been explosive during the pandemic.

Pandemic causes drop in Honduran melon exports

- International
Exports totaled $86.1 million during the first four months of this year, reflecting a decrease of 16.5 percent in comparison to the $103.1 million exported in the same period the previous year.

Chile reaches historical cherry export record

- International
Through the setbacks brought on by the pandemic, Chilean cherries reached historical levels during the 2019-2020 campaign, with China being a main consumer.

WGA, USDA, FDA push back against Chinese Customs COVID rule

- General News
In response to reports that Chinese Customs is requiring a Letter of Undertaking of Safety of Import Food for food shipments, Western Growers President & CEO Dave Puglia issued the following statement: “The recent move by Chinese authorities to require a statement of undertaking for food importers is not based on any legitimate food safety concern.

Covid, Brexit complicate U.S.-UK trade

- Analysis
There hasn’t been a fresh produce supplier in the UK that hasn’t been impacted by Covid-19 in some shape, form or manner. The big ticket items the fresh produce sector needs to address though, won’t go away.

Chilean blueberries’ demand and prices rise amid pandemic

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Chilean blueberries, which get a boost as a healthy food, have seen strong growth, particularly in Asia, where the pandemic is receding, as reported by Blueberries Consulting.

Peruvian asparagus exports fall in first trimester

- International
According to the Association of Exporters (ADEX), the coronavirus pandemic has caused a 16.6 percent decrease in Peruvian asparagus exports amounting to $75 million, in comparison to the $90 million the same time last year.

U.S. and China are top destinations for Chilean table grapes

- International
According to the Association of Chilean Fruit Exporters, the U.S. and China are the top two destinations for Chilean table grapes.

U.S. blueberry exports allowed into China

- General News
China will allow imports of U.S. blueberries, according to a notice on its customs website.