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Chilean fruit exports ahead of last season’s pace

- International
According to the ASOEX, in the current shipping season of 2021-2022, Chile has exported 708,741 tons of fresh fruit, reflecting an increase of 7.85 percent when compared to the same period last year

Colombian ag exports reach new record in 2021

- International
Colombia’s Ministry of Agriculture announced that ag exports set a new record by reaching $8.496 billion in 2021, with 27 countries having opened their markets to 57 Colombian products through the government’s Health Diplomacy strategy.

Peru rises to world’s fourth largest mango exporter

- International
Peru passed Vietnam to climb into fourth in global fresh mango exports, trailing Thailand at No.1, Mexico at No.2 and the Netherlands at No.3.

U.S. exporters can learn from the UK-NZ free trade agreement

- Featured
In October, the United Kingdom and New Zealand agreed in principle to sign a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries. There might be some interesting transferable lessons for the U.S. fruit sector from this - at a time when the progress in UK–U.S. free trade talks seems to have gone off the boil somewhat.

U.S. Apple exports to India down 79 Percent; USApple urges removal of steel and aluminum tariffs

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In most years, U.S. apple growers export one-third of their crop, valued at about $1 billion. Prior to India’s retaliatory tariffs taking hold it was the second largest market for U.S. apple growers and was quickly growing.

Retaliatory tariffs keep hammering apples

- General News
Jim Bair, President and CEO of the U.S. Apple Association said in a Nov. 8 interview that retaliatory tariffs against apples have been harmful to apple growers, and he’s working to ease this burden.

Drought could lower Chilean fruit exports by 8%

- International
Chile has been hit by an unprecedented drought for more than 10 years now, with the lack of rainfall leaving arid fields and a growing concern in the agricultural sector.

Mexican citrus exports increase 28%

- International
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER), Mexican citrus exports increased by 28.3 percent ($912.3 million) when compared to the same time period last year ($711 million).

Exploring Apples: Imports and Exports

- Produce Blueprints
Imports are not a major factor in the apple industry, but exports are.

Exploring the ways the pandemic changed SE Asian business

- General News
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way the produce and food industries operate in Southeast Asia, just as elsewhere. However, the experiences are different everywhere, proving once again, we’re not all in it together.