Tag: exports
Mexico increases lettuce exports by 33 percent in 2019
- International
Mexico recorded a lettuce export worth $309 million in 2019, a year-to-year increase of 32.6 percent, according to data from the Ministry of Economy, as reported by Opportimes.
Peru’s mango exports show 37% growth
- International
Peru exported a record number of mangoes last season, and more of them are coming to the United States.
Costa Rica losing up to 90% of exports
- InternationalPerishable product exporters are currently living a nightmare, as described by CRhoy.com, a Costa Rican news …
Brexit offers U.S. export opportunity amid pandemic
- Analysis
The last few weeks have shown us both how fragile our fresh food supply chains are in the UK, but they have also shown us how resilient they can be too.
Canada requires all visitors to wear masks
- InternationalA new Canadian law requires all travelers entering Canada, including truck drivers, to wear a non-medical …
Mexican berry exports struggle with pandemic
- InternationalThe coronavirus has made its way across the world, and during the process causing uncertainty in …
Cherry growers find transportation, tariffs and trade tricky
- Produce BlueprintsRising costs, for cherry growers, include shipping rates and tariffs. “Cherries require careful handling and are …
Chilean blueberry exports to U.S. fall, but organic berries gain
- International
According to the latest crop report by the Blueberry Committee of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX), blueberry exports reached 109,291 tons during the 2019-2020 season, a 1.5% decrease in comparison to the previous season.
China still plans to honor its ag purchase agreement with U.S.
- General News
The ongoing coronavirus outbreak has brought into question whether China will live up to its trade commitment to buy $20 billion in U.S. agriculture exports in 2020 and 2021.
Agricultural exports from Honduras to U.S. increase
- InternationalAgricultural exports from Honduras to the United States continue to increase, with tropical fruits playing a …