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Hurricane Hilary update: Prices rising for many items

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Hurricane Hilary is impacting several markets this week. Long-term impacts are still being assessed, but prices are on the rise for several commodities.

California hits peak stone fruit season

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The California stone fruit season is at its peak. Favorable growing conditions have increased supplies compared to years past.

Large avocados becoming hard to find

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Large size Mexican avocado supplies (32- to 48- count fruit) remain tight; smaller sizes are being substituted for large-size shortages.

Broccoli, cauliflower prices rising with lighter volume

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Broccoli markets are rising as supplies decrease in the primary growing regions of Salinas and Santa Maria, California.

Salinas lettuce sees supply gaps due to spring flooding

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Iceberg and leaf lettuce crops in California’s Salinas Valley are experiencing some challenges related to disrupted planting schedules back in March caused by heavy rains/flooding as well as cool, humid conditions over the past two weeks.

Grape prices dropping as Mexican volume rises

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Mexican green and red grape prices are declining; demand is strong.

California Giant reports peak strawberry volumes

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A bountiful summer of California strawberries is ahead for California Giant Berry Farms, as the company forecasts giant volumes of the company’s cornerstone product.

Grape supplies tight, prices higher during transition

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Red and green grape packs will be limited for the next seven days as the offshore storage season ends. The Mexican season has begun; volume is minimal.

NW cherry crop projected 50% larger than last year

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The Northwest Cherry Growers gathered to discuss the crop prospects for the 2023 cherry crop.

NY apple update: ideal spring conditions herald strong bloom

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The northwestern region of New York state is known for its great growing conditions with rich fertile soil, consistent sources of natural precipitation, and overall moderate temperatures.  Last winter, the weather in the region proved to be overall mild, which followed with a cool spring that set up near ideal conditions for the start of the apple season.