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California Giant forecasts strong domestic blueberry supplies

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It’s a bountiful spring of blueberries for California Giant Berry Farms, as the company forecasts significant volumes of domestic blueberries ahead.

Lettuce markets rising due to poor weather

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Iceberg markets are up following reduced yields in the Arizona and California desert regions; green leaf and romaine prices are inching higher as well.

Weekend rain to further disrupt strawberry supplies

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Rain is expected in the Oxnard, California, growing region starting Sunday, February 18 and continuing through Wednesday, February 21.

Superfresh Growers orchard update highlights water management

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Dave Gleason, Horticulturist and Proprietary Variety Developer, discusses the transition to high-density orchard systems for efficiency and safety in the February Superfresh Growers Orchard Update.

Heavy rains halt California strawberry harvests ahead of Valentine’s Day

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It might be time to explore other chocolate-dipped fruit for those Valentine's Day displays because strawberries will be short this year.

California Giant projects strong spring strawberry supplies

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California Giant Berry Farms, a leader in fresh berries, today shared a strawberry crop update forecasting for strong volumes of organic and conventionally grown strawberries in the weeks to come.

VIDEO: Small size California navel oranges to be scarce all season

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Small-size navel oranges (113- and 138-count) will be extremely limited throughout the 2023/2024 season, according to Markon Cooperative.

VIDEO: Low temps, ice hit desert crops, causing damage and delays

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Cold temperatures and lettuce ice are developing in the Arizona/California desert growing region. Markon First Crop (MFC) Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine packs are available.

WA apple crop report shows larger volume and sizing

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Pacificpro Sales reports the entire 2023 Washington apple crop is in storage and controlled atmosphere rooms and is shaping up to be a great season.

Small size navel oranges to be in tight supply

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As the California Navel season progresses, small fruit (113- and 138-count oranges) will become extremely tight.