Tag: crop update
Cold causes lettuce production delays in desert region
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Colder areas of the Arizona/California desert growing region are experiencing light-to moderate lettuce ice this morning.
Strawberry market to stay high through November
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Markon Cooperative released the following crop update. California strawberry quality continues to recover after heavy rainfall in all California growing regions. Expect to see quality challenges and elevated markets for the next 7-10 days.
Cold hits desert lettuce, but quality remains good
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Temperatures in the Arizona/California desert growing region dipped into the mid-30°s to low 40°s this morning, causing light-to moderate lettuce ice to develop.
Price relief coming soon to lettuce markets
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High prices persist for leaf, iceberg and romaine lettuce markets in early November, but volume is ramping up in desert growing regions.
Video shows Salinas lettuce damage
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Markon Cooperative released a Live from the Fields video October 19, showing the damage and significant yield loss in Salinas Valley lettuce crops caused by soil disease and plant virus issues.
California Giant Berry Farms shares strawberry crop update
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California Giant Berry Farms, a leader in fresh sustainable berries, today shared a strawberry crop update, forecasting for giant volumes of organic and conventionally grown strawberries ahead.
Potato market pressure eases
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Northwest potato harvest continues, improving a low-supply/high demand situation from earlier this month.
More quality problems in Salinas as rain follows heat
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Markon Cooperative issued a new crop report on lettuce, leaf and row crop quality issues. The expected weekend rain came, with more forecast early this week, which will further stress product in the field and decrease shelf-life.
Heat continues to stress lettuce supplies
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The September heat wave in California is causing quality problems for most lettuce varieties.
Potato sourcing remains a challenge
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Northwest potato supplies are struggling to meet demand as harvest is in its early stages.