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Farm bill could be pushed back to 2025

- Analysis
The political outlook for 2024 and beyond was the subject of a Virtual Town Hall sponsored by the International Fresh Produce Association on November 29.

A look at IFPA as lobbyist

- Analysis
The fresh fruit and vegetable industry contends that these WIC cuts would be bad not only for American public health but for the industry itself.

Looking beyond the immigration stalemate

- Analysis
The British weekly The Economist is one of the world’s most influential news magazines. Despite its manifest oddities, it is also one of the best.

Produce procurement act: past and present

- Analysis
People in the industry may find something familiar in the Fresh Produce Procurement Act introduced in Congress last week. That’s because there is something familiar.

Fresh Produce Procurement Reform Act introduced in Congress

- General News
International Fresh Produce Association is applauding Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Reps. David Valadao (R-CA) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) for introducing the Fresh Produce Procurement Reform Act.

What’s at stake at the Washington Conference

- Analysis
While it’s not an election year, there is plenty for the produce industry to influence in the nation’s capital.

Food stamp spending fuels inflation, group says

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A government watch dog group says the massive expansion of the food stamp program under the Biden administration is a prime contributor to grocery inflation.

Farm labor reform act reintroduced in Congress

- Analysis
At this point, one can exasperatedly wonder what it will take to make the Farm Workforce Modification Act (FWMA) into the law of the land.

The farm bill hearing: mushrooms and the zero-sum game

- Analysis
Mushrooms, surprisingly, were a main theme of last week’s Senate farm bill hearing on specialty crops. And not just the kind you put in your beef stroganoff.

New immigration reform act introduced in the House

- Analysis
News about the U.S. House of Representatives has focused obsessively about the debt ceiling deal. In its wake, a new piece of legislation to reform immigration policy has been widely overlooked.