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Citrus by the Numbers

- Produce Blueprints

For the 2017-18 season, production from the nation’s top citrus producers collectively supplied 6.1 million tons …


Tariffs complicate citrus trade

- Produce Blueprints

In recent years, imports of citrus have surged, and the gap between imports and exports has …


School foodservice demand grows for citrus

- Produce Blueprints

Mandarins were certainly on the menu in homes across the United States, but also finding their …


An Apeel-ing experience

- Produce with Pamela
Apeel Sciences sent me a Happy New Year kit of caviar limes grown by Good Land Organics, Santa Barbara, CA, so I decided to do a little test. 

Mandarins fuel citrus optimism

- Produce Blueprints

With available navel acreage hovering around 118,000 acres but still leading the way in California, mandarin …


Lemons give California citrus a boost

- Produce Blueprints

In California, lemons formed part of an ongoing economic success story there as well. The fruit, …


Lemons show positive signs for future growth

- Produce Blueprints

For Boca Raton, FL-based Bova Fresh, LLC, a grower-shipper and importer, one big success story in …


Florida citrus slowly rebuilds

- Produce Blueprints

For the citrus industry in Florida, the focus was first and foremost on rebuilding in the …


Spotlight: Passion for citrus

- Produce Blueprints

Citrus fruits represent the most important fruit tree crop in the world. This colossal industry encompasses …


Retailers should find promotable citrus crop

- General News
Heading toward spring, citrus supplies should be as promotable as ever, high in quality and volume, but smaller than normal on sizing.